About YBKMM 基金会简介

Yayason Bakti Khidmat Masyarakat Malaysia (YBKMM) is an independent, non-profit, non-government charity organization run by a group of benevolent Malaysians, the sole purpose of the organization is to promote, encourage and instill in all Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds a capability to fully understand, appreciate and respect each others cultures. It hopes to create a unique trust and foster a jointly shared responsibility towards creating a better Malaysia and a better World in terms of social stability that reflects the true spirit of 'We are Malaysian and We Caret YBKMM functions as a bona fide charitable vehicle in the promotion and execution of various fund-raising activities tasked with the collection of funds, gathering of resources and networking to help those in need and under-privileged regardless of Ethnic background. YBKMM hope to exercise and demonstrate the The Power of Loving and Caring especially for those in need.

马来西亚慈善基金会是一个非政府,非营利的慈善机构。宗旨是协助国家及杜会发展,改善社会问题,扮演协助 相关机构解决社会与民生问题的角色同时也跨越了种族、宗教的界线,整合人脉和资源,以三赢的理念(你好 、我好、世界好)筹募基金,以全民福利为依归.不分贵践、国络、年龄、种族、宗教和文化背景:不管经济、 教育还是心灵上去帮助所有需要帮助的人,井以善扬善,鼓励人们传播善念,力所能及地帮助他人,基金会坚信 通过思想教育能够塑造一个人的健康人格,也是唯一改变命运的途径,因此我们的工作不仅是爱心捐助,更重视 爱心教育为社会大众或弱势群体所带来的改变,除了一系列慈善扶助活动.基金会更致力于助学活动和公益教育 讲座让杜会大众从中获取知识,自我增值.改善生活。


Our Vision 原景
Our Vision is to be a reputable, respected and transparent charitable organization that reaches out to the world with love

Our Mission 使命
Our mission is to reach out to anyone in need in terms of financial, education and spiritual enrichment regardless of age, race, nationality, religion and creed
帮助所有需要的人,不分贵贱、年龄、种族、国接、宗教与文化差异,从经济、 教育或心灵上去辅助他们。