About YBKMM 基金会简介
Yoyason Etakti Khidmat Masyarakat Malaysia (YBKMM) is an independent, non-profit, non-government charity organization run by a group of benevolent Malaysians, the sole purpose of the organization is to promote, encourage and instill in all Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds a capability to fully understand, appreciate and respect each others cultures.
马来西亚慈善基金会是一个非政府,非营利的慈善机构。宗旨是协助国家及杜会发展,改善社会问题,扮演协助 相关机构解决社会与民生问题的角色同时也跨越了种族、宗教的界线,整合人脉和资源,以三赢的理念(你好 、我好、世界好)筹募基金......
Pinology Funding
Pinology Charity Fundraising is a meaningful project that integrates culture and arts into charity by using an ordinary object – Push Pin. This magnificent art weigh 1000kg and measures 1,025,649 sq.cm2.
Love journey with tai ji 2014
A traveler, exhausted physically and mentally from giving performances all over the world,hopes to find his source of energy. Summoned by the Tai Ji Diagram, he goes to the Orient and meets the mythical Red Bird. Guided by the Red Bird, the traveler enters the realm of Tai Ji......
马来西亚慈善基金会 (YBKMM)

- Officially taken over by new management on 1st March 2010.
- Gather resources and expertise in an effort to improve the less fortunate’s live and ensure all raised funds and resources are directed to the chartable effort.

- 于2010年3月1日正式被新管理层接管
- 整合人脉和资源,筹募基金帮助需要帮助的人