Pinology Funding

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Pinology Charity Fundraising is a meaningful project that integrates culture and arts into charity by using an ordinary object – Push Pin. This magnificent art weigh 1000kg and measures 1,025,649 sq.cm2.



马来西亚慈善基金会 (YBKMM)

- An independent, non-profit, non-government charity organization.
- Officially taken over by new management on 1st March 2010.
- Gather resources and expertise in an effort to improve the less fortunate’s live and ensure all raised funds and resources are directed to the chartable effort.
- 独立的、非营利的、非政府的组织
- 于2010年3月1日正式被新管理层接管
- 整合人脉和资源,筹募基金帮助需要帮助的人